About Us

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If you’re a passionate entrepreneur, a founder, or an individual who wants to live sufficiently, then, now’s the moment you stop wasting time, you need us here. You need financial improvement for a balanced life. 


And, You’ve come to the right place !!!! 


Because We drive customer acquisition and growth for your business/  initiative faster, easier, and more effectively than you could ever imagine, we also ensure sustainable income for individuals who want to improve their finances for a balanced life doing work from home or working remotely. 





The global economy melted down spin-offs in 2007 thereabouts and fast forward to today, the rate of unemployment, and staff firing [ Job loss] has sparingly increased. Not only that. 


The courageous and passionate people practicing entrepreneurs face business burnout to the level that some collapse. All these are so pitiful. 


However, to help at the very best of our capacity in this dreadful situation and in the little capacity we can then, the Campus Creative Network was birthed too. 


And since our launch on February 2014, and fast forward till date. 


We’ve Helped; 

  • SMEs 

  • Initiatives [ NGOs ]

  • Event Manager

  • Union to name a few. 



  • 90% business improvement better than the former 

  • 90% improvement better than their peers [ Competitor ] 

  • 95% Customer acquisition and retention success 

  • 95% marketing and sales improvement success 

  • Enjoy over 90% profit making. While 

  • Having 98% feeling of a successful entrepreneur, or founder. 


This was made possible through our renowned services known as CCN Business Therapy 


Also, We’ve Helped…


Individuals with no job to; 

  • Work from the comfort of their own home 

  • Have clients around the world 

  • Have multiple streams of income 

  • Improve their financial and more 


Doing remote work/ freelancing business through our program known as CCN Sustainable Income training programs. 


That’s not all. 


We help individuals with personal assignments of any type through our program known as CCN Gig Economy Service. 


So, just when you think you’ve known everything about CCN but you’re not at this present stage, the journey just gets to the middle, so, stick around and let you see the rise and fall of it. 


About our humble beginning.

In February, 2014. The global thriving CCN network platform got started as a digital and media network platform on campus. And with the name Campus Connect Network. 

 The WhatsApp platform was first introduced as the fastest means of carrying out our activities.

This occurrence lasted for a year plus. 

So, in the year 2015. The CCN blogging platform was established to enhance the on-campus Digital and media network services and activities. With the URL www.ccnservices.blogspot.com Although, you can click on the URL it’ll still work but we’ve for long not activated it. 

It was later hosted on a custom Domain with the hosting company known as Whogohost. Nigeria’s No.1 hosting company where the CCN URL was updated to www.ccnservices.com.ng 

This blogspot custom domain stays up to 2+ years. 

In between this period of upgrading the platform and URL, we’ve rendered improved digital, tech, and media services to categorize individuals and set up organizations including initiatives on campuses and outside of campuses.

Within this period we’ve got our media network presence across different campuses within the federation with campus media teams as a club where it was registered and certified in its root [ Futa Campus Chapter]. Under the capacity, tenacity, and leadership of Prof. Onibi the current dean of student affairs as at the time of Reg. 

In 2019, the month of February. The custom domain was later upgraded to www.ccndigit.com which is its current custom URL. 

This newly upgraded custom URL also brought in massive improvement to our services rendering where we also got our running services renamed as 

CCN Business Therapy is a centered arena for any set-up organizations, body-facing problems with marketing, sales, profitability, or growth issues 

CCN Sustainable income training. This is designated to help an unemployed individual improve their finance by doing remote work and or freelance business. 

That’s not it all. The progress Within this period extended to the big and impactful Programs and events we’ve held where we got Radio and TV Station Coverage. And more improvement stuff across places beyond on campus. And still counting