I’m Not The Best Content Marketer Ever; Yet I’ve Generated Millions Viewer For Sites [ Find Out How? ]

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I'm Not The Best Content Marketer Ever; Yet I've Generated Millions of Viewers For Sites [ Find out How. ]

I’m Not The Best Content Marketer Ever; Yet I’ve Generated Millions Viewer For Sites [ Check Now to How? ]

Call me abnormal , but you cannot market a business without content. 

  • The ads your customers see? Content. 
  • The page they land on after clicking your ads? Content. 
  • The blog post they read a year ago that made them familiar with your brand in the first place? Content 
  • The social media writeup you shot out there to get their attention? Content 
  • The souvenirs you invested money to produce for them all full of? Content 
  • The newsletter, appointment reminder texts, and help articles? Content 

All communication between your leads to customers flows through? Content And 

The way you generate leads and customers in the first place is through— You guessed—CONTENT 

But content creation can be an arduous process if you don’t know how to do it right.

So, in this post, I’m going to show you things I do to create content that get millions viewers without costing you your sanity in the process. Let’s do it 


Here Are The 8 Things I Do 


 Your target audience are your idea customers, your main readers. When you take your idea reader  important in your content creation, they will sense it when reading your content, they will cherish it and they will be compel to reshared it willingly even without you persuading anyone to do so because your content messages 💬  align. 

When your content talks 💬 about their exact wants. Solution to their problems they are facing. How to get out of their dilemma and so on. 

So, I make sure to prioritize the audience I’m speaking to. 


Use customer persona: this is a template that provides you with appropriate detailed information about the audience you are addressing. It contains things such as their Age, Income size, Gender, their location, their struggles, their dreams and so on.


 This simply means staying-up-to date even in your content marketing tactics. 

It helps you and your content to continually become relevancy and go-to source of inspiration whenever information of your niche is needed. 

One deadly thing about internet work is that things quickly get outdated. Sleep today, wake-up tomorrow and you hear that style has suddenly changed, story has changed and formula has also changed. 

I ensure to remain up-to-date in my content marketing strategy. 


  •  Follow people ahead of you, says experts, influential people and related tactical stuff that’s of relevant.
  • Belong to a community where possible 
  • Be constantly testing and analyzing. It will also help you to stay on top of the trend.


 The internet is full of Gazillions of information, writers and publishers published every blessed day. 

So, why would traffic come to specially read your own exact content and even go to the level of reshare? Then, you need to be unique in your content writing duty. But how? Try to be human. 

Don’t take generic content that AI and ChatGpt created for the same millions of people that prompted it or take content that millions other writers and publishers have on their website. Please, provide human written content and that is just one of the secret to attract huge traffic that trigger people to also repost your work. 


Learn it, practice it and with time you get good at it and also get used to it. Although, it might kind of be heard at initial but as time goes on, you pick up and you start doing this without stress. You can also undergo training for this, that’s also ideal.


Write and post for ones and call it a day 😎. There is more to it. You needed to be frequent at this.

Writing and publishing consistently will help you to stay on top of their mind because they are seeing you, your work every now and then. 

Let’s be practical here, imagine that you’re seeing someone regularly, won’t you get used to their face? So, similar situations happen online as well. It happens to your online readers if you keep to it frequently. 

 So, I discipline myself to this habit even when the mood is there or not and right now it has become part of me regardless of whatever the mood. 


Look for platform to do your original writing but be sure to be frequent not ones in blue moon. 


Depending on the kind of audience you’re feeding with your content. Avoid using big grammar that will cause them to always looking for dictionary before their brain can interpret it. 

Well, if you’re writing for an academic environment you can afford to do that, use gigantic grammar- those category of people are believed to have high level of grammatical familiarity. 

However, if you are writing for business class and any other class of people especially, the audience that you want them to patronize after reading. please, considered grammar everyone can easily decode 😎. 

I put this matter into serious consideration.


Use simple and easy to understand language. 


Do not just writing content as per as it suit you. Please, do it as per as it pleases the audience so that they can find it fun reading through your content. 

It shouldn’t be about you but about your reader’s satisfaction. Therefore, write with structure that complement. 

I always work on this factor too. 


On a normal, you can follow the general structure. Something like this should help you;

  • Attention grabbing heading 
  • Seductive introduction 
  • Valuable information for the body and 
  • Closing with motivational bangs.


If your content do not have any benefits it promises its reader, it’ll hard you to attract millions of traffic viewer.

Remember that people are attractive to benefit, anything that will benefit them is what they are ready to burn their energy, time and resources on it. 

I ensure this promising factor is always involved in my content marketing task. 


  • Promise them benefits right from your title and as you are working them down the journey. 


please and please this is very crucial. If you have promise your reader any benefits from the onset. Kindly be sure that you deliver it in the body and if possible add to it as a bonus, that way they’ll like you and like to reshare your content. 

I make sure to deliver anything I promise them right from the beginning .


use the body section to fish out anything you’ve promise them in your content marketing piece. 


Let your closing encourage them to take action on what you’ve share with them in the body. 


  • Use your closing to motivate your reader. 
  • Use your closing to tackle any obstacles they might be having with your content marketing message. 


  • What do you want to say?
  • To whom?
  • Why do they need to listen to you or learn what you are talking about? 
  • How to implement what you are saying 

PS: I write on anything from software as a sales[ SaaS] to other area such as fashion, beauty, entertainment, and so on and so forth. Samples are available upon demand. 

But the good news is that, it’s also possible for you to become a writer trickster. As for now, I have only one recommendation for you which is to enroll for the CCN online content marketing training, where you learn up-to-date writing skills that sells like crazy.

You’ll learn it in your personal account dashboard that will be created for you upon registration completion. 

Final Note About Writing Content That Generate Traffic Viewers 

To write content with millions viewer is beyond SEO algorithm, you’ve to put a lot into an action and most important thing here is that you’ve to please human being in your writeup, you need to appeal to human being than any search engine machines because they are the ones to read it not the machine

Want to read more awesome content as this? Then, glue yourself to this site and you’ll be overwhelming with countless progress after a while. Looking forward forward to seeing you at the top. 

 PS: Wants to talk to us on any progress? Just Tap Here to choose any medium that suits you— Your Progress is our gain 


STEP 1: 

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STEP 2: 

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STEP 3: 

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STEP 4: 

If you’ve any additions or subtracts. Please, hit the comments section and be a help to many others out there trying to survive online in this Digital Age. 

Kehinde Abiola have been a certified Google digital marketer, a pro blogger and a KICK-ASS Freelance Wizard for years. He’s on a mission to help individual make sustainable income doing legitimate works online and business owner improve their profit making. He’s the publisher and team lead at CCN. He’s the author of different training material at notable places including CCN. He’s the Web manager [Adim] and content producer at SOJWORLDNEWS to mention a few.

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