Judah Kolawole
“To whom much is given, much is expected”
Judah Kolawole, a 300L student of the English department, Lagos State University (LASU) is a high profiled individual. He serves as student entrepreneur at Nova World, a digital brand. He also specializes in digital marketing, blogging, content writing and content editing.
Besides these, Judah currently serves as Head Of Class(HOC) of his level and also the president of his department (NASELS LASU). Beforehand, he had served in various executive positions at both faculty and departmental level. In addition, he has played a pivotal role in carrying out various academic research and assignment in his school.
Judah hopes that in five years to come, he would have completed his Master’s degree in English language and also enrol for PhD program. He believes that his digital brand, Nova World and his blog, would have yielded positive results. His sole dream is to be a successful businessman and an academic scholar.
For Judah, his most challenging experience as a student was when he was robbed a day before his examination. In his words, the incident wasn’t a pleasant experience.

Judah delights in his exceptional ability to successfully juggle between academics, leadership positions, business and skills acquisition and still perform excellently. He considers this as his greatest achievement.
Judah believes that his digital skills would be helpful to him and it would be easy to thrive in this digital age. He is thankful for his past experiences and how it has helped shaped him to become the better person he is today.
His being selected as the youth ambassador came as a surprise and he pledges to use his current position to break and set new records.
“Joining the CCN network as been a blessing to me as I have learnt a lot”, he says. He is glad that he didn’t decline the invitation to join the network when he had the opportunity.
Judah would love to give back to society by helping people hone digital skills through which try can be liberated financially. He also wants to reach out to the less privileged.
Judah concludes by extending his sincere appreciation to the network.
– Interview by Soyoye Testimony
Kehinde Abiola have been a certified Google digital marketer, a pro blogger and a KICK-ASS Freelance Wizard for years.He’s on a mission to help individual make sustainable income doing legitimate works online and business owner improve their profit making.He’s the publisher and team lead at CCN. He’s the author of different training material at notable places including CCN. He’s the Web manager [Adim] and content producer at SOJWORLDNEWS to mention a few.