CCN User Secure High Paying Remote Work Last Month [ His 8 Top - Tips to Help You do The Same]

CCN User Secure High Paying Remote Work Last Month [ His 5 Top – Tips to Help You do The Same]

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CCN User Secure High Paying Remote Work Last Month [ His 5 Top - Tips to Help You do The Same]

CCN User Secure High Paying Remote Work Last Month [ His 8 Top – Tips to Help You do The Same] 

  • Everyone nowadays wants the freedom of working from  their own home right? 
  • Everyone wants to live rich, making money from different sources and without being stressed? 
  • Everyone wants to avoid getting hooked with one boss trap or boredom doing daily routine, rules and regulations here and there and so on ….

guess I’m speaking your mind?? 

  • Everyone wants that simple work lifestyle right? But not everyone takes the right approach to it, Agreed ???

So, because of the hunger and thirst for this pleasurable work lifestyle. You are already planning on quitting your normal daily job and that is if you’ve not even resigned from it yet.

And you have already started taking some action like going online, doing a lot of Google search to start consuming volume of confusing information about the internet career field you want to nailed [ working with ]

And you are trying to put in more effort as you trying to enroll for a run-off the mill training from your friend or loved one because of its cheapest prices or free offer here and there and after then you feels you are now up to the task out there right?, lol 😆

  • You begin to start competing for the standard paying online Gig work with multitude of professionals bidding for the same project/ Task. 
  • You’ve tried so many and nothing seems to work out. And 
  • even the small Gig works with low criteria, you are finding it hard to land one. 

After all, the whole effort proved abortive. You got annoyed, tired and frustrated. And then, you started thinking that online work [ Remote work ] is not for you. You started feeling it’s all already over-saturated — that there is no more room for new people like you to come in and make a lot of living from it. 

But staying at home to do online work and getting paid. Is it supposed to be this disheartening, annoying and stressful? And then, started making money doing remote work just like every other normal human being. On a normal, NO, it shouldn’t be. 

So, why then, your case is looking special? It is because you are not doing things the right way. There are so many things you are missing beyond going online to consume google confusing information, taking cheapest training from friends and loved ones or seeking for free training with valueless point or wanted to worsen it all going to do copy and pasting generic content from Robots like ChatGPT, other AI software. 

Well…. Be dancing and rejoicing because the annoying time has come to an end for you. You are about to learn and steal the 6 cutting-edge Tips CCN user followed to land his high paying remote work last month. 

Are you in, shall I reveal it? No, wait first!

Why Work From Home

Why does Remote Work Matter at First? 

Freedom & Flexibility:

  • Escape the 9-5 grind: Set your own schedule and work when you’re most productive.
  • Design your workspace: Ditch the fluorescent lights and create a work environment that inspires you.
  • Embrace global possibilities: Work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Increased Productivity & Well-being:

  • Boost your focus: Avoid office distractions and minimize commute time for uninterrupted work periods.
  • Prioritize mental health: Maintain balance between work and personal life, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.
  • Connect with loved ones: Spend more time with family and friends, fostering stronger relationships.

Enhanced Creativity & Growth:

  • Embrace independent learning: Take full ownership of your professional development through online courses and resources.
  • Connect with diverse teams: Collaborate with individuals from different backgrounds and cultures, sparking new ideas and perspectives.
  • Become a self-starter: Manage your time effectively and take initiative, fostering problem-solving skills and resilience.

Environmental Benefits:

  • Reduce carbon footprint: Minimize commuting and paper usage, contributing to a more sustainable future.
  • Embrace a minimalist lifestyle: Simplify your living space and reduce material consumption.
  • Support local communities: Spend more time and money in your local area, boosting the economy.

So, with this knowledge in our mind. Let me just unleash it, right? 

CCN User Secure High Paying Remote Work Last Month

CCN user that get high paying remote work last month [ Steal His 8 Unique Tips To help you do the same] 

Tip 1: He Invested in Quality Training 

He shared his past experiences with us on how he has learnt some things online and all the unlikely experiences thereafter but we can not build on the past too much to risk the future. 

So, he  seeks our fresh advice on this take on online remote work and likely training that could help live better working remotely etc. 

We advised him there are giant Tech savvy training skills you can acquire that’ll take you time plus the job is not that common and there are lighthearted Digital training you can acquire to get something started, live well and can continue upgrading skills as time goes on. 

He was given the list on the tech savvy and skills he can acquire in the lighthearted digital aspects. Okay, he still couldn’t point at one amongst the lighthearted digital skills. So, he still came back to explain himself to us better and seek our assistant to give him two that look something smart enough to get started with. 

Long and short, he was given the content marketing and email marketing and since he still finds it difficult to decide within these two again. 

We concluded he got started with email marketing.   And there his journey of finding and landing high paying email marketing remote work began. 

Oh! Before we move to the second top tip he used. Kindly permit me to briefly deviate here.

In the  case you are still on the fence, below are SOME of what makes the training and the skills acquisition at CCN officially unique and an interesting one. 

Taking CCN advance training gives you have an opportunity to; 

  • Secure remote work placement with the network where applicable [Campus Creative Network CCN] upon completion.  
  • If the above is not pleased with you, we have the slot to assist you prepare a winning document you can use to find and secure your remote  job/work hunting or business with other external organizations out there.  
  • If you have your own business [Big/Small] or aspire to start anyone in the nearest future. We will assist you prepare this business for winning customers, depending on the kind of remote work you partake . 

What More? 


It is an online learning from your personal account that would be automatically created for you upon registration completion. There is nothing like PDF in it. 

So, upon finalizing the registration process, the system will automatically direct you to your learning Dashboard. Where you have the room to learn, type your question or anything unclear about your learning skills and then you get a response from the  professional responsible for that particular skills acquisition


They are all full of templates. That is fill-in-the-gap templates to achieve your work essential really quick and easy . 

So, there is no need of reading one long epistle of content or a related bulk of note, no, no, no. 

It is made up of templates to make your work faster, easier and more effective. 

What More do you want? What other burdensome questions do you have about this mind blowing CCN refinement training? 

Well… As for me I can’t think of any for now but if you have got anyone do not hesitate to reach out to us. Other basic information about this life-changing training can be found on the training registration portal.

before it finally goes away? Please feel free to ask

We look forward to seeing you doing well despite the economic crisis ravaging our world. 

Okay, having been pleased with all of this basic background information above. Let’s continue with the  next top-tip of what helped him land the high paying email marketing remote work. 

Tip 2: Internship 

He didn’t quickly rush into the labor market to start looking for work that is so competitive for him. 

So, We asked him to go on an internship because everyone knows that internship is a way to do practical hands on Dec of whatever skills or knowledge you have acquired anywhere and in anything. Hence the need for him to abide with our instructions of doing internship become relevant to him. 

He didn’t have anywhere to conduct his internship exercise so, we gave him the privilege to leverage on the existing platform of CCN. 

I must not fake it- we inundated him with much work but he was cool to follow suit the tough and lighthearted task.

He successfully completed the duration we gave him with diligence and hard-work while following any given instruction.


During his internship exercise, we bombarded him with a lot of work not only for practical knowledge sake but we also used this to help him get volume of sample work within a short time frame.


 With his detailed information and all that approved sample work he had done with us while taking his internship exercise and including other notable stuff – we helped him gain an outstanding portfolio that is relevant and compelling enough. 

Tip 5: Accreditation, Recommendation and endorsement. 

If one has served his master very well. He needed to be served too, right? So, at this point we know he needed our solid support. 

Therefore, as a developing thriving global network. We validate him with many needed credentials including endorsed him and run recommendations where relevant. 

So, while he was rounding up these exercises last month been December, 2023. He landed a high paying email marketing job with an international company [ Foreign Company ] which is amazing to us as well.

Well, we never saw this coming his way – but we all admit he has already prepared for this chance with all the exercises, training and activities he had done with us [CCN ]. 

Yes, I won’t lie to you that this was that easy for him but with dedication, commitment and determination he achieved his goal of working from his  own home while getting paid high at the same time.

So, let us summarize his Top 5 Tips 

Tip1 : He invested in quality and trusted training 

Tip2: He undergo period of internship exercise 

Tip 3: He tackle loads of sample work 

Tip 4: He got Outstanding portfolio support 

Tip 5: He got accredited[ Validation], endorsement and necessary recommendation 

Bonus Tips

Tip 6: He follow instructions and total obedience 

Tip 7 : he was not rushing to start making money by doing generic job hunting here and there in the online world. He stayed patient to finalize other vital processes.

CCN User Secure High Paying Remote Work Last Month [ His 8 Top - Tips to Help You do The Same]

Final note About CCN Regular User that got high paying remote work last month. 

Hmmm…. That is a whole lot of vital tips above. 

Right now, just begin to examine yourself, like

What impossibility about remote work have they told you before now? 

What remote work difficulties have you gotten before now? Or to worse it

Has anyone told you everything online is scammed and much more. 

My dear, it’s high time you renewed your orientation about online and remote work. We are now in the digital Era where A.I, Chatgpt and other advanced software assist in taking over most of the human effort in the office. 

So, If you do not get into the system now, you will blame yourself for it. you will be left behind and those tech tools would fully take over your daily routine job, your eyes will be clearly open and then  it would be too late for you to start learning and figuring out online work that can help you survive including a platform to help you reach this goal.

It’s high time you reach out to a genuine network platform that cares about your success online and physical business too. 


STEP 1: 

Share across your network if you found this fun [ or helpful]!

STEP 2: 

Join the newsletter for Tried-and-True cutting-edges strategies for making decent income online. 

STEP 3: 

Drop us a message to discuss how we can help one on one. 

STEP 4: 

If you’ve any additions or subtracts. Please, hit the comments section and be a help to many others out there trying to survive online in this Digital Age. 

Kehinde Abiola have been a certified Google digital marketer, a pro blogger and a KICK-ASS Freelance Wizard for years. He’s on a mission to help individual make sustainable income doing legitimate works online and business owner improve their profit making. He’s the publisher and team lead at CCN. He’s the author of different training material at notable places including CCN. He’s the Web manager [Adim] and content producer at SOJWORLDNEWS to mention a few.

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