Side, High And Passive Income


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Do you want to make a sustainable income doing legitimate work online or seeking ways to increase your revenue making but discover it’s that difficult?

I believe that you’ve landed in the right place today.

Many can’t see that times have changed!


You set your alarm for 4:00 am, sign in at the office at 7:00 am or 8: 00 am

Close for the day at 4 pm or 5 pm. Get home at 8 pm or 10 pm.

You dread Mondays. Always looking forward to the weekend.

You work 22 days a month and get paid only once.

They decide your worth and pay you just enough to keep you from quitting.

You are further humiliated by the pension scheme.

They decide how much you are worth, even after retirement!


No alarm! You wake up when you finish sleeping!

You work from your Home. Your bedroom, sitting room, or the garden beside your house.

If you have any need to go out of your house, you take your office with you. It is called a smart office.

Every day is a weekend for you. You look forward to Monday because it’s part of your weekend green days.

You decide how much you’re worth and when to get paid!

You are your Boss!

Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware that times have changed!

That is why I have taken my precious time to come up with this value-loaded and in-depth insightful knowledge content on this promising topic.

By the time you finished reading this post; you’ll know exactly 

I. What High income is all about and what makes it high income?
High-income Work Examples
II. What Side income means and what makes it side income?
Side income work examples
III. What passive income is and what makes it passive income?
Passive income work example
Iv. How to get started with any of the above.

Let’s just dig in…


If you like the current work you’re doing and you do not want to quit it for any reason but the income you are making from it is not enough, you need extra income also known as Side-Income to complement it.

The question everyone always looks for answers to it.

Reasonably, the volume or quality of time you dedicated to it makes it a side income. Because you have your other real work you’re giving more of your time and attention, so you only get to consider this kind of work in your leisure time therefore, giving you subtle income to complement the other one you’re giving most of your attention

Just so know that the more time you give to it the more money even in dollars or any currency you will make from it.

Students also fall into this category of side income hassle category of people because of the classes they needed to attend and other paramount school activities they needed to participate which can’t be jeopardized.

As a result, students majorly engage in side income work to get funds for their studies support.


This is the category of work that falls in this class. Freelancing such as;

  • Content creation/ writing
  • Content Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Content Editing
  • Products Review
  • Ghostwriting and so on

Some digital marketing task also falls in this class such as;

  • Web design
  • Social media management or task
  • Email marketing
  • Affiliate marketing etc

And some other normal classes of skills also fall here such as;

  • Graphics Design Skill
  • Virtual assistance
  • Transcript/ Transcribing
  • Data entry amongst others.

Then this same set of work can be taken as side income work to fill out income making from your regular work.


This category is known to earn you a bigger income. To achieve high-income work two factors are considered ;


This means some work can generate high income for you if you give more time.

That means if you do more of it repeatedly for many hours in a day, it’s going to generate higher revenue for you at the end of the day or if it’s per month you want to be caught out.


All the works listed in the side income work fall in this dignity.


Yes, here it means that some works naturally yield big bucks whether you give it more timing or not.

The moment you get this category of work you already  know is a high-price and higher-profit work


These ranks of work belong to this feature ;

  • App design work/ project
  • Software Development
  • Data Science
  • Data analysis
  • Machine learning
  • Artificial Intelligence ( A.I )
  • Programming /Coding
  • Most of the tech skill or task falls in this line.


Agreeably, the truth be told passive income work are not easy to achieve.

However, if you’re ready to give it all that it takes to be successful both in terms of time and resources, my dearest reading fans I am telling you that the rest is history.

The passive income work will continue to yield heftier income for you now and then even when you are sleeping and the best part of it is that after setting it up accordingly, you might not need to be doing anything serious on it furthermore, just be sleeping and waking up, sometimes you touch something there other times you may not need to and vice versa.


Yeah, I know you’ll be curious to know these classes of work. They are many but here are the few part of it

  • Blogging
  • Network Marketing
  • Stockbroker
  • Investment
  • Even real estate and so on 


Okay, now that we’ve understood and you’ve gained proper knowledge about side-income work and examples, high-income work and examples, and passive-income with its examples as well.

Then, think it’s important we know how to get started with any of these classes of higher revenue-making work.

This is where Campus Creative Network (CCN) has become a useful vessel to people out there.

We do not only show you raw, favorite, and balanced diet food that you can’t eat, no but we give you prepared ones that you can eat immediately as well.

This implies we do not only show you what is working nowadays and do not give you what you need to acquire it.

This is where CCN sustainable income training becomes relevant to you in this jet Age and in this chaotic economy.

The CCN SUSTAINABLE INCOME TRAINING is the bridge that makes you qualify for the job-ready task and it not only offers you practical hands-on-deck alone but also goes ahead to offer you your paying client course which is the profitable way for you to start acquiring your income-making customers online [ Paying Client].

You might need to check more information about this power-pack training and submit the form for it. EXPLORE SUSTAINABLE INCOME TRAINING HERE 


There above you’ve, the most rear relevant information you needed nowadays to improve your earning rate/ earning capacity instead of limiting yourself totally to a monthly salary that some even do comes late when you have evolved financially broken, when you have been owing debt here and there.

This is an eye-opening and a great opportunity for you to pivot your income-making rate, to escalate your earning grade to something higher in a flexible manner. So, what’s stopping you again?

Take action today, if you do not know where to start and how to get connected in this kind of task, just head on to submit the form for CCN SUSTAINABLE INCOME TRAINING and that’s the end of your poor income-making scenario.

Do you have any questions, remarks, or more tips to share about this treated topic, don’t want time to share in the comment section below even as you help the public to live fine.

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Kehinde Abiola have been a certified Google digital marketer, a pro blogger and a KICK-ASS Freelance Wizard for years. He’s on a mission to help individual make sustainable income doing legitimate works online and business owner improve their profit making. He’s the publisher and team lead at CCN. He’s the author of different training material at notable places including CCN. He’s the Web manager [Adim] and content producer at SOJWORLDNEWS to mention a few.

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